Posts in Category: close up

Maine! 2000 piece puzzle anyone?

Kennebunk, Maine, USA. A deep storm surge brought in lots of seaweed from the seabed off-shore. Such a range of color and texture. Ready to be made into a puzzle to befuddle the best puzzlers. That will keep them busy for a while 🙂 Sony A6700 with the Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 79mm equivalent. Program mode with some macro modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Knapweed, Bumblebee, Tarnished Plant Bug

Like the title says this is a Knapweed flower head with two visitors: a bumblebee and the tiny Tarnished Plant Bug. The bee is a pollinator, the Plant Bug is a parasite. Photographed with the OM System OM-1Mkii and the M.Zuiko ED 150-600IS zoom at 300mm equivalent from not much over a foot. Program mode. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Nothing like being close: squirrelly edition

Grey Squirrel: Kennebunk, Maine, USA, June 2024 — Another visitor to the deck while I was waiting on the hummingbirds. Between squirrel proof feeders and some training, the squirrels are mostly happy with spilled seed these days, and they are quite fearless. They are up on the deck when I am right there in my chair, pretty much daring me to do anything about it. 🙂 I am happy to let them have the spilled seed. OM System OM-1Mkii with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Canadian Tiger Swallowtail

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly: Kennebunk, Maine, USA, June 2024 — I have been seeing Tiger Swallowtails in the forest and fields of Southern Maine for a couple of weeks now, generally on the wing, gliding close to foliage or grass. This is not the first to pass through our yard, but it is the first that has settled while I was watching and had my camera ready. It visited the daisies twice…I missed it the first time, but it came back, and then flew right up to the deck where I was standing and settled on the geraniums just long enough for a few frames before it was off up over the roof of the house and away. OM System OM-1Mkii with the M.Zuiko 150-500IS zoom at 1200mm and 678mm equivalent. Hand-held at 1/320th. Program mode with my bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Nothing like being close: grey edition

Grey Catbird: York County, Maine, USA, June 2024 — Yet another bird from my session waiting for the hummingbirds to return to the feeder on the back deck. The Grey Catbirds have learned to hover up under the suet feeder and take suet. They stand on the deck rail under the feeder and then launch themselves up…and they are completely unafraid of me in my camp chair as long as I don’t move too fast. 🙂 OM System OM-1Mkii with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent from about 10 feet. Program mode with my birds-in-flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Nothing like being close: black and white edition

Immature Hairy Woodpecker: York County, Maine, USA, June 2024 — Another shot while waiting on the hummingbirds to come to our feeder. This immature Hairy Woodpecker spends a lot of time on our deck, eating mealworms mostly, which it has learned to do directly from the mealworm feeder. Between the parents and the young the Hairys can go through 3 cups of mealworms in a day. I liked them better when they only came for the suet and an occasional sunflower seed. 🙂 This is pretty much a full frame shot at about 9 feet with the OM System OM-1Mkii and the M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Alsike Clover

There were many different kinds of clover in bloom along the Kennebunk Bridle Path when I went walking yesterday…including this one which is new to my awareness. I have probably seen it a thousand times, but I can’t say that I have ever appreciated it. It was way too windy for focus-stacking, so this is a straight up tele-macro at 800mm with the M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom. The flower head is about 3/4 of an inch across so even on phone you are seeing it larger than life size. OM System OM-1Mkii in Program mode with my bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Studies in Cinnamon Fern heads

Cinnamon Fern (I think). While out looking for Lady Slipper Orchids in my secret spot here Kennebunk, I could not help but notice all the ferns somewhat past fiddle head stage. I love the ornate look of the coiled fern fonds. The two wider shots here are at 800mm with the M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom on the OM System OM-1Mkii, for about a 1:2 magnification. The tighter shots are with the same set-up but with the 2x digital tele-extender added for a 1:1 magnification. Depending on the device you are viewing the photos on the close-up are probably life size or better. Program mode. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Trillium

It is Painted Trillium season in southern Maine, but, at least in my experience, they are becoming hard to find. I used to know of several patches, but it is down to one now. If anyone knows of any accessible spots where I could respectfully photograph them I would appreciate it. This is a program mode focus stacked image at 1600mm equivalent (1x) using the digital tele-converter in the OM System OM-1Mkii and the M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom, taken from about 4 feet. The remaining flowers I know of are quite small for Painted Trillium, and seem to be getting smaller year to year. ??

Maine! Practice makes perfect

Eastern Bluebird: York County, Maine, USA, March 2024 — I am not sure what this behavior is? I am almost certain that this is last summer’s chick, well able to feed itself, and not begging that I saw. And I am pretty sure this is our full adult male, who has raised 8 broods (at least) while we have watched over the past 4 years. Maybe he is just getting in practice for this year’s first brood. And maybe he is just a provider by nature, which is why he has had so many successfully fledged off-spring. I was photographing the young bird and was very surprised when the male edged into the frame. OM System OM-1Mkii with 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.