Posts in Category: forest

Maine! Studies in Cinnamon Fern heads

Cinnamon Fern (I think). While out looking for Lady Slipper Orchids in my secret spot here Kennebunk, I could not help but notice all the ferns somewhat past fiddle head stage. I love the ornate look of the coiled fern fonds. The two wider shots here are at 800mm with the M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom on the OM System OM-1Mkii, for about a 1:2 magnification. The tighter shots are with the same set-up but with the 2x digital tele-extender added for a 1:1 magnification. Depending on the device you are viewing the photos on the close-up are probably life size or better. Program mode. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Blue Jay rampant

Blue Jay: York County, Maine, USA, October 2023 — Just after leaving the deck and my hour long observation of the hunting heron, and my brief observation of the White-tailed Deer, I encountered a small flock of Blue Jays moving through the maple swamp close to the boardwalk. I often see them there, high in the trees and far out from the boardwalk, but this time they were close enough to attempt some photos. I love all the different blues and blue-violets of the plumage, and there is no denying that Blue Birds have personality…or birdinality at any rate. One thing you can’t do with at Blue Bird is to ignore it…they simply are not having any of that! OM Systems OM-1 with ED 100-400mm zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! bare maples

The maples in the wet maple forest are totally bare now. The lone oak stands out at the edge of the marsh, here at Laudholm Farms. OM Systems OMD EM5Mkiii with 12-45mm zoom at 54mm equivalent. Program mode with in-camera HDR. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Bare maples and copper oak

The season continues to develop…the maples are bare and the oaks are copper at this little pond along the bridle path in Kennebunk. OM Systems OMD EM5Mkiii with 12-45mm zoom at 24mm equivalent. Program mode with in-camera HDR. Processed in Pixelmator Pro.

Maine! Laudholm October, where field meets forest

Where the overgrown meadow meets the forest at Laudholm Farms (Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve). Color, color every where. OM Systems OMD EM5Mkiii with 12-45mm zoom at 24mm equivalent. Program mode with in-camera HDR. Processed in Pixelmator Pro.

Maine! On the October boardwalk

On the boardwalk in the wet Maple Swamp at Laudholm Farms (Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve). A unique habitat. A unique beauty. OM Systems OMD EM5Mkiii with 12-45mm zoom at 24mm equivalent. Program mode with in-camera HDR. Processed in Pixelmator Pro.

Maine! Young forest in October

Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve at Laudholm Farms, Wells, Maine, USA, October 2023 — lots of young maples along the edge of the salt marsh at Laudholm Farms create a interesting pattern against the October leaves. OM Systems OMD EM5Mkiii with 12-45mm zoom at 24mm equivalent. Program mode with in-camera HDR. Processed in Pixelmator Pro.

Maine! Laudholm Farms Panos

I got out to Laudholm Farms (Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve) in Wells, Maine on our last sunny day (only sunny day last week) to record the last of the fall foliage before it is all on the ground. My new landscape and macro camera does not have in-camera “sweep panorama mode”…the first camera I have owned in years that is without it, so these panoramas are done the old fashioned way…4 HDR shots for the first, and 3 for the second, processed and then stitched together into a full resolution panorama in a program on my Mac called, strangely enough, Panorama Stitcher. It is fully automated and does an excellent job. All I have to do after the stitch is to crop and fill the edges to make a rectangle. One view is at the corner of the “front drive” at north end of the parking lot and the woodlot and fields there, and the other is from the little rise going in toward the beach, just before you enter the brushy edge of the old orchard, looking back at the neighboring farm and the Laudholm buildings themselves. These will benefit from a full screen view. 🙂 OM Systems OMD EM5Mkiii with 12-45mm zoom at 24mm equivalent. Program mode with in-camera HDR. Processed in Pixelmator Pro.

Maine! October Woodland Path

Laudholm Farms (Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve), Wells, Maine, USA, October 2023 — There is nothing quite like a mixed forest in Southern Maine in October. This is a trail at Laudholm Farms, down along the border with the on section of Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge. Glorious light and glorious fall color. OM Systems OMD EM5Mkiii with 12-45mm zoom at 24mm equivalent. Program mode with in-camera HDR. -.3EV. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos.

Maine! Pine jealousy

If the pines are jealous of the maple’s fall finery, they can take pride in supporting the fiery climbing vine. This is Virginia Creeper, sometimes know as Woodvine…as it is one of the few climbing vines that turns red in the fall. OM Systems OM-1 with ED 100-400mm zoom at 554mm equivalent. Program mode. Processed in Pixelmator Pro. ISO 500 @ f6.3 @ 1/640th.