Posts in Category: beach

Maine! Such a pretty little thing

Least Tern (fledgling): York County, Maine, USA, July 2024 — The Least Tern chicks are fledging the past few days…testing their wings in sort flights up and down the beach. This one was well outside the protected area, out on the open beach. I don’t know why, but there is something uniquely attractive about the Least Tern at this stage of its development. Subtly beautiful, with a hint of the elegance to come. Sony a6700 with Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC VXD zoom at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my bird and wildlife modifications. Animal and Bird subject recognition. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Transition

Least Tern (chick transitioning to feathers from down): Kennebunk, Maine, USA, July 2024 — This is one of the oldest of the Least Tern chicks from this year’s hatch at our local beach, already transitioning from down to adult feathers, and looking pretty natty doing it. This bird will be flying and feeding itself in another few weeks. For now the adults are keeping close watch and feeding it several times a day. Sony a6700 with Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 600mm equivalent (and cropped heavily). Program mode with my evolving bird and wildlife modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Terns away

Common Tern: York County, Maine, USA, July 2024 — Common Terns were actively feeding at the river mouth the other day and I had some fun trying to catch them as they dove. I was surprised, when I got home, to see how many I had actually caught. Sony a6700 with Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my flight and action modifications. Tracking auto focus and Bird subject recognition. Processed in Photomator and assembled in FrameMagic.

Maine! If I stand up on this rock I can almost see where the fish come from

Least Tern (chick): Kennebunk, Maine, USA, July 2024 — We were gone for 10 days, visiting granddaughters in the west, and the Least Tern chicks, just hatching as we left, have grown up some. This one is no longer a little ball of fluff. Sony a6700 with Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 600mm equivalent (and a heavy crop). Program mode with my evolving bird and wildlife modifications. Bird subject detection. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Shelter

Piping Plover: Kennebunk, Maine, USA, July 2024 — Just a day out of the egg (not quite) two of the 4 Piping Plover chicks seek some shelter after an adventure down to the distant (in plover chicks terms) wet area of the beach. Sony a6700 with Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my evolving bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Dive bomb

Least Tern: York County, Maine, USA, July 2024 — Now this tern means business! He or she has been practicing and got 3 direct hits on me…one on my hat 🙂 and two right in my eyes (or way too close for comfort 🙁 Business all the way. Sony a6700 with Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my evolving birds in flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! What a day at the beach!

While out photographing Least Terns and Piping Plovers. 🙂 What a sky! Sony a5100 with 16-50 kit zoom at 24mm equivalent. Auto+ with Landscape Creative Look. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! A little beach action

Least Tern: York County, Maine, USA, July 2024 — With my camera already set for birds in flight, I was able to catch this interaction between two Least Terns on the beach. I think this is a mated pair and their chicks have already hatched, so I am not sure what was going on exactly. 🙂 Sony a6700 with Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my evolving birds in flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Flyover

Osprey: Kennebunk, Maine, USA, July 2024 — While photographing Least Terns in flight at the beach, this Osprey flew over on its way out to the mouth of the river. Too good to pass up, especially when I was already set for birds in flight. Sony a6700 with the Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my evolving birds in flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Caught on the wind

Least Tern: York County, Maine, USA, July 2024 — I have taken over 20,000 shots of Least Terns in flight (or attempted at any rate) over the past month. I go out for a few hours and come back with 2500 exposures…of which I pick maybe 50 to process, and out of that 50 I might get 5 that somewhat satisfy me…and out of the 5, I might be happy enough with one of them to post. But that is just the way photographing Least Terns in flight goes…at least at my level of skill and with my equipment. In the month I have tried two different cameras and three different lenses. I bought a new camera and a new lens primarily because I was not happy with the results my current setup was producing. But of course the equipment is the least important thing about tern in flight photography. Mostly it is just practice and waiting on grace. Most of the keepers are pure gifts…they just happen if you are out there trying. Anyway. Sony A6700 with the Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my evolving birds in flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomator.