Maine! Nothing like being close: black and white edition

Immature Hairy Woodpecker: York County, Maine, USA, June 2024 — Another shot while waiting on the hummingbirds to come to our feeder. This immature Hairy Woodpecker spends a lot of time on our deck, eating mealworms mostly, which it has learned to do directly from the mealworm feeder. Between the parents and the young the Hairys can go through 3 cups of mealworms in a day. I liked them better when they only came for the suet and an occasional sunflower seed. 🙂 This is pretty much a full frame shot at about 9 feet with the OM System OM-1Mkii and the M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.

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