Calico Aster, also known as “white woodland aster” is a small flowered aster of, as you might guess, woodlands throughout North and Central Americas. It is a late summer, early fall bloomer. This one was growing in the Walsh Woods Arundel Land Conservancy. Sony a6700 with the Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 109mm equivalent. Program mode with my macro modifications. Processed in Photomator.
Great Blue Heron: York County Maine, USA, September 2024 — There seem to be a lot of Great Blue Herons, compared to this time in past years, still hanging out in the marshes at the mouth of the river. There were 3 three together yesterday, with 3 Great Egrets and close to a dozen Snowy Egrets, all feeding in the same area of the marsh. The Herons were more mobile, moving from place to place in full flight and I had a chance to get some decent flight shots of them skimming the grasses and landing. Sony a6700 with the Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my action and flight modifications. Processed in Photomator.
As the angle of the sun lowers in September, I have always liked the range of textures and forms that marsh grass takes, as though a painter has been at work on the canvas. Sony a6700 with the Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 81mm equivalent. Program mode (with my bird and wildlife modifications just because that was what the camera was set to). Processed in Photomator.
Bald-Eagle (immatures): York County, Maine, USA, September 2024 — There has often been an immature Bald Eagle down at the river mouth these past few months, but here is proof that there were at least two all along. Clearly siblings, to be sitting so close. Sony a6700 with the Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 75mm and 477mm equivalents. Program mode with my bird and wildlife modifications. Processed in Photomator and assembled in FrameMagic.
Ring-billed Gulls along the surf line of a little beach in a small cove between rock headlands here in Kennebunk, Maine. Sony a5100 with the Sony E 10-18 f4 zoom at 15mm equivalent. Superior Auto with Landscape Scene Mode. Processed in Photomator.
Ring-billed Gull: York County Maine, USA, September 2024 — There was a good sized flock of Ring-billed Gulls at the beach last week, working the surf line and just off-shore. They were pretty secure and very busy, so I worked my way close enough for some intimate portraits. I like the glint of sun in this one’s eye as it turned its head away from me just a bit, intent on something in the water. Sony a6700 with the Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Photomator.
A little tumble of water in the Mousam River at Roger’s Pond Park. I was out looking for Eagles, which have begun to hunt the river at the park again as fall comes on, but I also wanted to experiment with some moving water. Sony a6700 with the Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 384mm equivalent. Program mode with my macro modifications…program shift to f29 and 1/20th for the silky water effect. Hand held. Processed in Photomator.
Red-tailed Hawk: York County Maine, USA, September 2024 — This is the last of the perches from that day when I saw this Red-tailed Hawk in three different trees…this time high in a very tall tree at the edge of the marsh. A group of noisy crows drove it around the corner of the forest there and up into this tree, and it waited for me as I walked up the path. Sony a6700 with the Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my bird and wildlife modifications. Processed, cropped, and up-scaled in Photomator.
Band-winged Meadowhawk: Kennebunk, Maine, USA, September 2024 — There were lots of dragonflies patrolling the a yard and an overgrown field in Kennebunk on a bright September day, but the only one that lit for me long enough for a photo was this Band-winged Meadowhawk. Sony a6700 with the Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC zoom at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my action and flight modifications. Insect recognition auto focus. Processed in Photomator.
Black-capped Chickadee: York County Maine, USA, September 2024 — Just a simple portrait of a common backyard bird. Sony a6700 with the Tamron 50-400 Di iii zoom at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my bird and wildlife modifications. Processed in Photomator.