Chipper Poem

There is a poem with this, today’s Day Poem.


The chipmunks were out in force at
Laudholm Farms this unexpectedly
warm March day. The temperature
hovered just below 70, and the sky
was clear and blue. I watched a
chipper scamper in the woods, and
then, becoming aware of me. freeze
at the foot of an adolescent maple…
too big to be called a sapling, but
still small enough to be in its dancing
days in the shade of its elders. Up
or around, I had to wonder, thinking
of the chipmunk, and then, taking
a step closer for a photo, the chipper
dived under (not a direction I had
considered) into a unseen hole where
what will be a buttress root in a hundred
years jutted out from the base of the
tree. I walked on, not wanting in any
way to diminish the chipmunk’s en-
joyment of the rare, fine March day,
especially as it was clearly evident
he had no intention of spoiling mine.

Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Polarr and Apple Photos.

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