Daily Archives: March 27, 2018

Chickadee Surprised…

Black-capped Chickadee, Kennebunk Maine

This shot is interesting to me in several ways. One is, as always, the “personality” of the Chickadee. So chipper. So vividly alive. The other is graphically. I find the imperfections interesting. The contrast between the out of focus branch with blocks some of the bird, and the crispness of the bird’s plumage…and the way the bird is set in space by the focal plane of the camera. It also has a kind of “caught in the act” feel to it, because of the framing by the branches…and the attitude of the bird. Surprise! Sony RX10iv at 600mm. Program mode. -.3EV 1/1000th @ f4 @ ISO 100. Processed in Polarr and using the Light tool in Apple Photos.