Daily Archives: March 17, 2018


Eastern Bluebird, Kennebunk Maine

This is another shot from my little sit-out on the deck during the last of the snowstorm on Wednesday. I do not know exactly why Eastern Bluebirds are so apt to strike poses that are so expressive of human emotions, but they are. There are lots of posters and mugs with bluebird images to attest. This shot could easily be titled “Curiosity” and would make a great poster, plate, or mug…don’t you think? And I am not all that certain that the bird was not, in fact, curious. It was certainly looking at me, on my camp stool in the snow, and was probably wondering what I was doing there, or at least wondering if I was a threat. Or not, as the case may be. I actually have no idea what it was thinking or if it was, strictly speaking, thinking at all. Maybe it is just the way a bluebird’s face is shaped…the position of the eyes, the brow-line of feathers, the white wash on the chin? Whatever. Still, “Curiosity!” Sony RX10iv at 600mm. Program mode. 1/500th @ ISO 200 @ f4. -.3EV. Processed in Polarr and Apple Photos (I really like the intelligent (AI) light tool in Apple Photos on the iPad.) Again, view this as large as you can for the feather detail.