Daily Archives: March 24, 2018

Pussy Willows

Pussy Willows, Kennebunk Maine

I told the story of these Pussy Willows in yesterday’s Day Poem. I was riding my eBike on a long photoprowl around the loop past the beaches when I came to a pussy willow tree bowed down by recent heavy snows to almost touch the pavement and had to ride around the branches. It only registered what they were when I was past and I had to circle back to photograph them. I remembered them from my Great-grandmother’s dinning room table, where they appeared every spring as the centerpiece, but I have not seen them often since. Blast from the past. And a wonderful find. I spent a few enjoyable circling around the branches, attempting to find attractive backgrounds without being run over by the passing traffic. Sony RX10iv at 600mm. Program mode. -.3EV. 1/1000th @ f5 @ ISO100. Processed in Polarr and Apple Photos.