Daily Archives: March 26, 2018

Chickadee at arms length

Black-capped Chickadee, Kennebunk Maine

We had a brief sun shower between the snow squalls yesterday afternoon, and I happened to be coming back from a walk around the neighborhood just at the right moment. As the sun broke through, a small crowd of Chickadees decided it was time to visit the feeders, and, though I was right there on the back deck, only a few feet from the feeders, they would not be denied. The first that came in landed too close for the 4 foot focus on my camera, and I had to back up to get these shots. Not exactly arms-length, but pretty close. The beautiful spring sun, and the closeness of the birds, made for some very satisfying shots. Checking my other shots, the little patch of white feathers above the eye on this bird is unique. It gives this particular Chickadee an extra dash of character. Sony RX10iv at 600mm. Program mode. 1/1000th @ f4.5 @ ISO 100. Processed in Polarr and the Light tool in Apple Photos.