Daily Archives: March 14, 2018

Eastern Bluebirds in the snow…

Eastern Bluebirds, Kennebunk Maine

We got 24 inches of fresh snow yesterday into this morning, and it is still snowing lightly. I put some seed and meal worms out on the back deck, got my folding camp stool, bundled up, and went out and sat near the feeders and under the trees for a half hour, to try for some birds in the snow shots. After a long wait, this pair of Eastern Bluebirds sat close enough together to get a shot. Unfortunately they were not close enough, in the dim light of the remaining snow storm, to get them both in focus at the same time, so I have resorted to some digital trickery here. This is actually two shots, one focused on each bird. I processed in Polarr and Apple Photos, and then took both into Pixomatic to assemble them. Finally I used TouchRetouch to clean up. I hit it one more time with the “light” tool in Apple Photos. I can see a few artifacts I might still clean up, but all in all it looks pretty natural. Can you see the flaws? Sony RX10iv at 600mm. Program mode. +.3 EV. Processed as above.