Daily Archives: March 16, 2018


Dark-eyed Junco, Slate-colored variety, Kennebunk Maine

There are five different basic color variations, or groups, and likely more than that number of subspecies of Dark-eyed Junco in North America. The five basic groups were once considered separate species, but they all interbreed in areas where their ranges overlap. The Slate-colored here is probably the most wide-spread. Three subtle color variations are included under Slate-colored. It is the Junco you are most likely to see in Maine. Juncos started coming back to our feeders about a month ago, and are not too happy with the three feet of snow we have gotten since. They are ground foragers and love leaf litter under trees and the edges of lawns and fields. In the snow, they will come up on the deck if I scatter seed…and we have at least one who has learned to navigate the suet cage to get inside at the suet. I would count that as unusual behavior. This one landed a few feet from me while I was sitting on a camp stool on the deck about 12 feet from our feeders, hoping for shots just like this one. It sat still just long enough for a single burst. Sony RX10iv at 600mm. Program mode. +.3EV. 1/500th @ ISO 320 @ f4. Processed in Polarr.