
Morning Marsh Meadow

Morning Marsh Meadow

Low light. Heavy dew catching the light in tiny star points. Mist closing the distance. It is a mood…a distinctly morning mood, on the marsh, near the sea, where meadow grasses mix with the reeds, and heather, just coming into bloom, mixes its pinky-purple hue.

Sony DSC H50 at about 200mm equivalent. F4.0 @ 1/500th @ ISO 100. Programed auto.

Cropped and straightened in Lightroom. Added Clarity and Vibrance. Blackpoint to the right. Landscape sharpen. Graduated Filter effect from the top to reduce brightness and increase contrast slightly. Graduated filter effect from the bottom to increase brightness, Clarity, and Contrast.

And a close up: same position at 465mm equivalent. Cropped for effect.

Morning Marsh Meadow

Morning Marsh Meadow


  1. Reply
    MaineBirder August 3, 2009

    I love this photo Stephen! The driftwood, fog, grasses, very nice!

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