India! Tiger!

Tiger: Rathambore National Park/Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — It is time to finish up my photos from our March 2023 trip to India. We worked hard for these photos of a young female Tiger at Rathambore…which we only found on our very last safari into the park. We spent most of an afternoon with her, as she rested in the shade across a pond from us. She is only a few years old, and had her first cubs with her, hidden somewhere in the deeper brush. Truly a privilege to spend time with her…and, for many of us, birders that we were, the highlight of our trip. The next morning early, we were on the train back to Delhi and one last night at a hotel and then the airport. Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos. Assembled in FrameMagic. ISO 800 @ f4 @ 1/500th.