Tiger close-up
On March 28, 2023 by lightshedder With 0 Comments
- India, nature, Rathambore National Park, Sony RX10iv, Tiger, wildlife

Tiger: Rathambore Tiger Reserve, Rathambore National Park, Sawai Madhopur, India, March 2023 — A crop-in from a 600mm image taken from across a pond in Zone 10, for a portrait of Tiger. This is T 99, Aiswarya, a young 5 year old female who just had her first two cubs this year. The cubs were safely hidden in the brush and not to be seen. We found her right after entering the Zone on our afternoon drive and spent most of the afternoon watching her rest and move gently in the shade. Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos. ISO 1000 @ f4 ! 1/500th. Plus .3EV.