It was a somewhat dreary November day at the beach but a good day for the driftwood against the dying and drying grasses. OM Systems OMD EM5Mkiii with 12-45mm zoom at 50mm equivalent. Program mode with in-camera HDR. Processed in Photomator.
Snow Bunting: York County, Maine, USA, November 2023 — Maybe I am just not in the right places at the right time, but this is only my second ever sighting of Snow Buntings in Maine. I know they must be here, somewhere, most of the winter, but I just don’t see them. These were behind the dunes at our local beach, sitting on the wire fence that protects the dune restoration project, and occasionally dropping down to feed behind the fence. Take a good look at the feet! The super long toes and the sharp nails are certainly made for navigating snow and ice. These three birds were in one group, and I found a group of maybe half a dozen more feeding the marsh grasses on the other side of the road as I left. OM Systems OM-1 with ED 100-400mm zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. (The light was terrible and I was experimenting with new settings and am not totally happy with the results…more work to be done. Still, any photograph of a Snow Bunting in southern Maine, is a win on my scoreboard 🙂 Processed in Photomator.