Daily Archives: September 18, 2023

Maine! Rainy day antidote

Rain all day today, pretty much, so here is a shot from last week, just before Lee arrived off-shore. Fall coming on, and one of my favorite views around home. OM Systems EM5Miii with 12-45mm Pro zoom at 24mm equivalent. In camera HDR mode. Processed in Pixelmator Pro. Nominal exposure: ISO 200 @ f9 @ 1/320th.

Maine! Juvenile Cardinal

Northern Cardinal: York County, Maine, USA — Though we have Cardinals nesting in the neighborhood every summer, they only come to our yard once or twice a day…and most days we are not looking when they come. Recently we have had this juvenile Cardinal coming regularly, or regularly enough so we see it, every day. The adults are generally with it, but they mostly hang back under the big pines at the far edge of our lot. Though the juvenile does not have a lot of color yet, it is still a handsome bird! OM Systems OM-1 with the ED 100-400mm zoom. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife settings. Processed in Pixelmator Pro. ISO 20000 and 16000 @ f6.3 @ 1/640th.