Bay-breasted Warbler: Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, Ohio, USA, May 2023 — Not my best ever shot of a Bay-breasted Warbler, but they were scarce while I was on the Erie Shore this year. I think they may have come through in numbers after I left. Still, a good bird to encounter anytime. OM Systems OM-1 with 100-400mm zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my evolving bird modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro. ISO 200 @ f7.1 @ 1/1000th, -.3EV (in full noon-day sun).
Indian Thick-knee: Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — I posted a photo of one of these Indian Thick-knees while I was still in India in March. We spent, realively speaking, more time looking for this specific bird than for any other on our trip, as we hiked back into the brushy area to the side of the road between the first and second entrance gates many times before we found them. If they are hunkered down, like the bird on the right, it is very easy not to see them. Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos. ISO 160 @ f4 @ 1/500th.