Posts in Category: monkey

Oh brother.

Mantled Howler Monkey: Caño Negro Wetlands Reserve, Costa Rica, December 2024 — We cannot leave Caño Negro without visiting our tree brothers, the Mantled Howlers that move along the edges of the waterways, often looking out over the water, apparently contemplating life in the rainforest. Sony a6700. Tamron 50-400 at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my bird and wildlife modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Costa Rica! Cuteness

White-faced Capuchin Monkey: Macaw Ranch, Sarapiqui Valley, Costa Rica, December 2023 — Cuteness overload. This youngster must be reaching its last days of backpacking on mom. In fact it hopped off as she went up a tree trunk in search of food. OM Systems OM-1 with ED 100-400mm IS zoom at 200, 300, and 372mm equivalents. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Photomator and Apple Photos.

Costa Rica! Hat thief

White-faced Capuchin Monkey: Macaw Ranch, Sarapique Valley, Costa Rica, December 2024 — This young Capuchin had already learned the trick of hanging in the low branches of the trees at Macaw Ranch and stealing hats as unwary tourists pasted under. Seemed to think it was great fun to be chased across the lawn and through the trees. OM Systems OM-1 with ED 100-400mm IS zoom at 200mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Photomator. There is a photo below, which I shared on Facebook a while ago, of the monkey in action, taken my our guide. He did not get my hat but he certainly gave it a try.

Costa Rica! Monkey business

White-faced Capuchins: Macaw Ranch, Sarapique Valley, Costa Rica, December 2023 — I told this story a while ago, but it bears telling again. Besides the large flock of Macaws that live at Macaw Ranch, there is a troop of White-faced Capuchins who visit on occasion, and just as with the Macaws, they are well habituated to humans and will approach very closely…one tried to steal the hat off my head in fact, and I have a photo, taken by our guide, to prove it. 🙂 They did get the hat off another of our guides and had to be chased to get it back. They apparently think hat stealing is great fun. Being at Macaw Ranch and litterally surrounded by wild playful Capuchins changed my view of the species completely. I had always thought of them, from past encounters, as somewhat sour individuals, but it is apparently just the set of their faces. Behind the thoughtful scowl is the heart of a monkey! I can relate to that. OM Systems OM-1 with ED 100-400mm IS zoom at 800mm, 400mm, and 200mm equivalent (the close-up is the 200mm one 🙂 . Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Photomator.

India! — Langur Monkeys

Grey Langur Monkeys: Rathambore National Park / Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — Probably two females and the baby, along side the road near a stream at the edge of Rathambore National Park, just below the Temple. Sony Rx10iv at 361mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos. ISO 800 @ f4 @ 1/500th.

India! More Lagur Monkey business

Langur Monkey, Rathambore Tiger Reserve, Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — Along the stream below the temple within Rathambore National Park and the Tiger Reserve, there was a large troop of Grey Langur monkeys, going about their business. This large female was after a drink from the stream. Sony Rx10iv at 266 and 467mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos and assembled in FrameMagic. ISO 320, 250, and 100 @ f4 @ 1/500th.


Grey Langur and Spotted Deer: Rathambore Tiger Reserve, Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — The Grey Langurs were common along the stream by the road that goes by the temple inside Rathambore. along with birds and other wildlife, like this Spotted Deer that photobombed my monkey shot. Actually I could not resist the contrast when the deer walked behind the monkey. 🙂 Sony Rx10iv at 320mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos. ISO 160 @ f4 @ 1/500th.

Indian Wildlife: Rhesus macaque

Rhesus macaque monkey: Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, India, March 2023 — before moving on completely from Keoladeo, I need to spend some time with the other wildlife we saw there. I was amazed by the numbers and variety of the wildlife that a country like India has managed to preserve. Of course this wildlife, the Macaque as it is called in India, has managed to survive and thrive right along-side the human population. Primarily a vegetarian, the Macaque is happy to live in villages, temples, ruins, around farms, and even cities where there is any open space. Troops were a common sight everywhere we went. They are not, as far as I am concerned, among the “cute” monkeys, and can be quite aggressive. They certainly are survivors though and you have to admire them for that. Sony Rx10iv at various focal lengths for framing. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos.

India! Rhesus Macaque

Rhesus Macaque: Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — Probably the most common, and certainly the most often seen, of India’s primates, the Rhesus Macaque likes to live around humans. You find them at temples, at railway and bus stations, city parks, along busy village streets, mixing with the dogs, cattle, and motorbikes…anywhere they might get a handout. They are not, at least to my eye, very cute…and they can be quite aggressive. You do not want to be bitten by one. Large family groups, or troops of mixed matrilineal families are common. This is a male, though perhaps not a mature one, sitting on the boundary wall of Keoladeo National Park. The Rhesus has the largest range of any primate except humans…across India, China, and all of southeast Asia. For better or worse, it has been used extensively in medical research, especially in the development of vaccines and viral treatments. (Maybe “better” for us, maybe not so great for the Rhesus.) Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos. ISO 640 and 1000 @ f4 @ 1/500th. Plus 1 EV (left over from adjacent bird shots).

Gray Langur

Gray Langur Monkey, Rathambore National Park, Sawai Madhopur, India, March 2023 — We took 2 Tiger Safaris today, and one birding safari, in Rathambore National Park. We saw no Tigers but we saw considerable other wildlife and birds. We found a troop of Gray Langur monkeys while birding inside the park, which included this mother and child. Langurs are peaceful, gentle, leaf eaters, with long prehensile tails. Sony Rx10iv at 561mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Photo and Apple Photos. ISO 500 @ f4 @ 1/500th.