
Indian Pipe: Rachel Carson NWR

Indian Pipe: Rachel Carson NWR

While at Rachel Carson that misty day from yesterday’s image, I took one picture with the H50 and when I tried to take another it said the memory was full. Of course, I had left the card in the computer at home. It was almost a half hour before I remembered that I had another card in my bag, and during that half hour I was shooting with my little Sanyo dual HD video and 10mp still camera. This shot was taken in macro mode eye to eye with the Indian Pipe using the flip out LCD, much as I would have on the H50. And it is pretty good. I might have gotten slightly better overall image quality with the H50, but this will do, thank you very much. You might not have noticed it was not an H50 shot if I had not told you.

Sanyo VPC CG10 at about 40mm equivalent and macro, manual focus. F3.5 @ 1/40th @ ISO 50.  Programed auto.

In Lightroom, my normal added Clarity and Vibrance. Blackpoint considerably to the right on this camera, and some added Contrast as well. Landscape sharpen preset. Some noise reduction, both luminance and color, to tame the CMOS mottling.

From Around Home Kennebunk ME.


  1. Reply
    Twitted by travispeltz August 1, 2009

    […] This post was Twitted by travispeltz […]

  2. Reply
    bill August 1, 2009

    very cool… i woulda accidentally stepped on them !

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