Maine spring edition: White-throated Sparrow
On May 7, 2022 by lightshedder With 0 Comments
- backyard photo-blind, birds, Kennebunk, Maine, nature, Sony RX10iv, wildlife, yard

White-throated Sparrow: Kennebunk, Maine, USA, May 2022 — Another common bird this time of year (and only for a few weeks here), but another irresistible pose from my backyard photo-blind in the late afternoon sun. The White-throated Sparrows come through in flocks and settle out on their way north and up to higher elevations to stock up under our feeders. Sony Rx10iv at 591mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Photo and Apple Photos. ISO 125 @ f4 @ 1/500th.