Chestnut-throated Apalis: Mgahinga National Park, Uganda, August 2022 — The Chestnut-throated Apalis is common in the highlands of East Africa with widely separated ranges in the mountains of the Albertine Rift and in Kenya on either side of the Great Rift valley. A perky little bird, seen here in a small sunny clearing near where we turned around to head back at Mgahinga National Park. Sony Rx10iv at 547mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Photo and Apple Photos. ISO 640 and 160 @ f4 ! 1/500th.
Kennebunk, Maine, USA, January 2023 — It is very rare indeed for the snow to stay on the trees in southern Maine for more than a few hours. We are into our third day of this winter wonderland now…and it looks good to hold until we get some “wintery mix” late this evening into tomorrow. There are downed trees and branches all over town, and there will be more by morning tomorrow. Still, it is undeniably beautiful. This is two more iPhone 13 shots. One with the ultra-wide lens and, of course, a panorama. The computing power of the phone makes these kinds of photos possible and even easy.