Monthly Archives: December 2015

Kennebunk Eagle in the Snow

Bald Eagle, Roger’s Pond, Kennebunk ME

There are at least 2 Bald Eagles on the lower Mousam River this winter, ranging both north and south of Kennebunk. Once the river freezes they like to sit right at Roger’s Pond (picnic area and fishing access) where the rapids below the dam along Route One keep the river open. They fish the edge of the ice. With the unseasonably warm weather, there is no ice at all in the river, but I have heard from the dog walkers at Roger’s Pond that the Eagles are there off an on. I just have not managed to be there at the right time. Until yesterday! We had intermittent light flurries all day yesterday and it was snowing when I got to the pond. I almost missed the Eagle. I was most of the way around the pond before I saw it, half buried in one of the tall pines on the far side of the river. I had to walk back upstream further than I would have liked to find an open line of sight for some photos. Not the best light, and the camera focused on the snowflakes a few times, but here it is: Kennebunk Eagle in the Snow.

Nikon P900 at 2800mm equivalent field of view (with some Perfect Image digital zoom). 1/500th @ ISO 400 @ f6.5. Processed and cropped slightly for composition in Lightroom.

Solstice Light in Forest


Wells National Estuarine Research Center at Laudholm Farms, Wells Maine

I have never been so aware of the light as I am these weeks in December, just at the solstice. Our odd weather maybe is helping…as I am out, and further out, than I generally am at this time of year. The light, even at noon, is just skimming the earth…coming in a such a low angle that it illuminates things I do not normally see, and turns the mundane magical. Take this random pile of tree sections beside the trail at Laudholm Farms. I suspect they are piled and waiting for staff to come and haul them out, but the solstice light turns them into a study in shape and texture, color and form. On any other day I would have passed right by…but in this light I was stopped in my tracks and forced to record the scene.

Of course, this morning we have 7-8 inches of fresh snow on the ground…so everything will be very different today!

In-camera HDR. Sony HX90V at 24mm equivalent field of view. 1/60th @ ISO 80 @ f5. Program shift for greater depth of field. Processed in Lightroom.

Wet and Red

Red Squirrel, The Yard, Kennebunk ME

The Red Squirrel was back yesterday. He always seems to come on rainy, or at least overcast, days. He did figure out how to climb on to the feeder…not a good development as far as I am concerned. I could not grudge him the few seeds anyway, at least not yesterday, in the rain, when he looked so sad and miserable…ears flattened and beads of water in his fur. He may have been having some issues at other feeders too, since he was a lot less bold yesterday. He scampered off right quick when I opened the deck door. Or maybe he just knew that I feel differently about squirrels right on the feeder, than I do about squirrels on the deck. 🙂

Nikon P610 at 1440mm equivalent field of view. (Again, I had to run for the P610, as the squirrel was too close for the P900.) 1/100th @ ISO 400 @ f6.5. Processed in Lightroom.

Winter hat

Fungi growing on a birch stump. Laudholm Farms, Wells Maine

I have walked right by this rather amazing cap of fungi growing on a birch stump at Laudholm Farms hundreds of times. Of course, in summer, it is somewhat hidden by the brush around the base of the tree…still I am surprised that I did not find it before this. The December light the other day helped. The low angle illuminated things not ordinarily seen. This cap is old enough to have picked up some algae. Unlike its role in lichen, with is a compound organism, I think the algae here is just in symbiotic relationship with the fungus. What caught my eye, and what is still of primary interest to me in the image, is the texture of the fungi. The tiny hair like structures on the surface caught the light and made the fungus glisten. And then there is the form of the thing. I find it fascinating.

Sony HX90V at 24mm equivalent field of view. In-camera HDR. Nominal exposure: 1/250th @ ISO 80 @ f5.6. (Program shift used to increase depth of field.). Processed in Lightroom.

Mocking December. Happy Sunday!

Mockingbird, Wells National Estuarine Research Center at Laudholm Farms, Wells Maine

“If your eye is generous, your whole being is full of light!” Jesus

The warm December in Maine (and the whole east coast) continues…setting all kinds of temperature records. If all the rain we are getting was falling as snow, we would already have huge snow-plow piles in every drive…but as it is, the fields are still bare, and the forests are still skeletal. Worse yet, the birches are already red at the tips.

I spent a few hours at the Wells National Estuarine Research Center at Laudholm Farms yesterday, walking the trails to see what I could find. Not much was moving. In that, and nothing else, it was a typical December day. I did come on this lonely Northern Mockingbird and a few Blue Jays, and of course there were gulls on the dunes on the back side of the beach (the front side too, I am sure, but I did not get that far).

We were talking about all this, the unseasonable warmth etc., at dinner, and one of my daughters said, “yes, our earth is certainly deteriorating.” I replied, “Our earth is certainly changing…there is lots of evidence of that…but there is no evidence that it is deteriorating.” I am not one of those “climate change deniers” but I am also not convinced we fully understand what we are observing. Of course I do see that part of what is going on is very likely tied to our dependence on fossil fuels and our sheer numbers on the planet…but the earth is a living thing…incredibly complex…and with its own immune system and sources of healing. I think we know way too little to say that the earth is deteriorating…that it is sick. Changing, yes. Sick, maybe. Able to heal itself, undoubtedly. And we, of course, will be part of that healing. If we are part of problem, we are also part of the immune system. Hopefully the intelligent part…the creative part…the problem solving part. The part that embodies the creative love that created the earth and the universe, and that sustains it now.

And, of course, all the long range forecasts predict another abnormally cold and snowy winter for Maine this year. A month from now, things at Laudholm Farms might look totally different.

The generous eye sees hope, because hope is in the light that fills us. Like the Mockingbird on an unseasonably warm December day, we may be confused by the weather, but that dose not mean we are not storing up songs for the spring.

Redwings in the Cattails

Young male Red-winged Blackbirds, Bosque del Apache NWR, Socorro NM

This is a rather odd photo…but I like it. There were 30 or more young male Red-winged Backbirds in the stand of cattails along the boardwalk over the diving duck pond at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, just before dawn, making a total racket. They were well hidden, so this is the best I could do for a shot. Still, I think it is effective, capturing the situation pretty well…and a graphics…as an image…it has a lot of visual interest, between the colors, textures, and shapes. Or that is what I think 🙂

Nikon P610 at 600mm equivalent field of view. 1/80th @ ISO 400 @ f5.6. Processed in Lightroom.

Christmas Edition: 12/24/2015

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

We have this Christmas cactus that has faithfully bloomed twice a year for the past 5 years at least. It blooms just before and through Christmas, and then it blooms again, just before and through Easter. We don’t do anything special to it. It just does it. I take pictures of the blooms each year, both seasons. It is certainly a faithful reminder of the miracle of Jesus…the great gift of God to us in the Son of God and Son of Man, who came so that we could believe, and choose life and love. As I post this Christmas Eve (or coming up to it), I am thinking of the day tomorrow, when our family, and families all around the world, will celebrate both life and love by gathering, by exchanging gifts…in their worship and their fellowship together. Christ is born! And, for those of us who choose, that makes all the difference.

This is my Christmas post. I will joining in the celebration tomorrow. Have a very Merry Christmas, and I will see you all on the 26th.

Cloud peppered with Snow Geese

Snow Geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, Socorro NM

Our first day at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge for the Festival of the Cranes, there were very few Snow Geese. I saw a few hundred during the day. The next morning it was no better, but as I arrived back at the Visitor Center to begin my day’s work, at about 8:45 am, I heard geese coming in from the north and looked up to see the sky literally full of Snow (and undoubtedly many Ross’) Geese. And I mean full. Thousands. Maybe 10,000 Geese coming in a huge flock. At first it looked like they might overshoot the Refuge, but they did spiral down and settle on the ponds inside the tour loop. I grabbed the closest camera and took some stills and video from the parking lot. This relatively wide angle shot catches a bit of the feeling.

Nikon P610 at 30mm equivalent field of view. 1/1600th @ ISO 100 @ f5. Processed in Lightroom.

Tree Sparrow

American Tree Sparrow. Wells National Estuarine Research Center at Laudholm Farms, Wells ME

Like most of the US, we only get American Tree Sparrows in Maine in the winter…and, even though winter weather has not yet arrived in Maine, the Tree Sparrows have. We are right at the northern edge of their winter territory, but get them migrating through to points south, so it is hard to say if this one stuck around or if it is now somewhere in the Carolinas, but it was a treat to see it as I walked the paths on am otherwise very quiet day at Laudholm Farms (Wells National Estuarine Research Center).

Nikon P900 at 2000mm equivalent field of view. 1/500th @ ISO 200 @ f6.5. Processed in Lightroom.

Crane in Millet

Sandhill Crane, Bosque del Apache NWR, Socorro NM

Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge is managed for wildlife. The Refuge has enough area to grow crops to feed the thousands of birds that winter there. Along the backside of the tour loop, they plant millet, and then flood the fields so that Sandhill Cranes, Snow Geese, and dabbling ducks of all kinds can feed on the seeds. This year, the corn crop failed, so the Cranes are depending more on the millet. Generally the millet is knocked down so it will be more accessible to the birds, but a small stand was left standing along the edge of the field, and it was interesting to watch the big cranes delicately picking millet seed above their heads. They seemed to have most success coming in from underneath. It has to take a lot of millet to feed a Sandhill Crane. 🙂 (The corn crops both north and south of the Refuge did not fail, so the Cranes are spending more time off the refuge, feeding in the fields where the NWS has contracted a portion of the crop.)

I love the light of early morning here, picking out all the details.

Nikon 900 at 1400mm equivalent field of view. 1/640th @ ISO 100 @ f6.3. Processed in Lightroom.