Posts in Category: Chambal

India! Chambal Storks

Asian Openbill, Wooly-necked, and Painted Storks: Chambal River near Rathambore, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — Still playing catch up from my March 2023 trip to the area just south of Delhi in India. These are three more birds, all storks, that we saw from the boat on the Chambal River near Rathambore National Park. Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos. ISO 100 @ f4 and f4.5 @ 1/1000th.

India! Great Stone Curlew

Great Stone Curlew (Great Thick-knee): Chambal River near Rathambore, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — Another new bird from our short boat excursion on the Chambal River near Rathambore. Called either the Great Stone Curlew or the Great Thick-knee, it is a large and interesting shore bird through India and South-east Asia. Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos. ISO 250 @ f4 @ 1/500th. Plus .3EV.

India! Mugger Crocodile

Mugger Crocodile: Chambal River near Rathambore, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — Besides the Gharials the Chambal is home to another crocodile…the Mugger. It lacks the long thin snout of the Gharials and is, on average, slightly smaller…though these two are certainly big enough to inspire some respect. Sony Rx10iv at 534 and 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos. ISO 160 and 200 @ f4 @ 1/500th.

India! Little Egret and Indian Cormorant

Little Egret, Indian Cormorant: Chambal River near Rathambore, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — Of course I was taking the photo of the Little Egret, and did not see the Cormorant until today, when I was getting ready to post the photo. 🙂 Another shot from our second and much more productive river tour on the Chambal. Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixomator Pro and Apple Photos. ISO 100 @ f4 @ 1/800th.

India! River Lapwing

River Lapwing: Chambal River, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — Another bird from our boat tour on the Chambal River near Rathambore. A large elegant plover (sometimes called the Asian Spur-winged Plover). Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent (heavily cropped and enlarged). Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Photomator on my iPad. ISO 100 @4.5 @ 1/1000th.

India! — Indian Skimmer

Indian Skimmer: Chambal River, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — Another bird from our boat tour on the Chambal River near Rathambore. There were several resting on the sandbars in the river. Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos. ISO 100 @ f4.5 @ 1/1000th.

India: Asian Openbill Stork

Asian Openbill (Stork): Chambal River, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — We saw several Openbills on our travels but these, from the boat on the Chambal River, were by far the closest. I am not sure if this is a youngster begging or adults courting?? Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Photo and Apple Photos. ISO 100 @ f5 @ 1/800th.

India! Gharial

Gharial: Chambal River, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — When I looked up this strange member of the crocodile family this morning, it turns out that it is among the rarest of its kind, residing in only a few rivers in India and Nepal. It is endangered throughout its range. I assume that like most crocodiles, the open mouth posture is for heat regulation. It uses that long snout with all those teeth to hunt fish in the deep pools of the rivers. Sony Rx10iv at 135-600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos, and assembled in FrameMagic. ISO 100 and 125 @ f4 @ 1/500th and 1/640th.

India! Black-headed and Glossy Ibis

Black-headed and Glossy Ibis: Chambal River, Rajasthan, India, March 2023 — After a morning Tiger drive at Rathambore (again unsuccessful) we took a drive to the Chambal River. We had already had a boat tour on the river further downstream, and, honestly, after that, we did not have high hopes for this tour…but it turned out to be completely different. Lots of birds, gars, crocodiles…a throughly enjoyable hour and half on the river, cold and hot drinks in the shade on the shore when we got back. And a camel in fancy dress! What more could you ask for. And that was the Chambal River redeemed 🙂 This is a Black-headed and a Glossy Ibis in the same frame, which gives you a good idea of just how big the Black-headed is! Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixelmator Pro and Apple Photos. ISO 100 @ f4.5 @ 1/1000th.

India! Egyptian Vulture

Egyptian Vulture: Uttar Pradesh, India, March 2023 — We did a U turn at the edge of a small town on our way back from the Sarus Crane Conservation Area because the driver spotted activity and smelled the unmistakable aroma of a carcass. It was a cow, probably roadkill, and it had attracted the attentions of a group of Egyptian Vultures. Okay, birders are not ashamed, but it did take may long road miles with the windows open to rid us of the smell. Not to mention a shower when we got back to the lodge. Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Pixomator Pro and Apple Photos. ISO 200 @ f4 @ 1/500th.