Posts in Category: boat


Bird of Paradise against the Boats

An alternative view of the Bird of Paradise bloom, this time framed against boats in the marina, taken at a longer focal length from further back to isolate the bloom and turn the boats into interesting bokeh. Late afternoon light on the plant brought out the orange of the petals in particular.

Canon SX20IS at 250mm equivalent. F5 at 1/250th @ ISO 80. Programmed auto.

Added Clarity and just a bit of Vibrance in Lightroom. Blackpoint slightly right. Sharpen landscape preset.

From San Diego 2010.

And here is an image taken from the same spot, using a wider lens setting (95mm equivalent @ f4). As you can see, the boats become more sharply focused and battle a bit with the blooms in the foreground, but I still see it as an interesting shot, and as a contrast to the longer/closer shot above. Processing similar to above.


Amazing Grace Trailing Her Nets

Amazing Grace Trailing Her Nets

Most of the shrimpers off Jekyll Island GA are nothing much to look at: working boats, well worked, and looking every bit of it. The Amazing Grace is amazingly well kept, and a bit more elegant in her lines. Quite a site here as she trails her nets off the beach at the center of Jekyll Island.

There were huge (well, at least very large) signs here saying “keep off the dunes” so I was limited to standing on the porch of the convention center (about 3 feet off the sand), flipping the LCD on the H50 over and down, and holding the camera at arms reach over my head to get enough height for this shot over the dunes.

Sony H50 at about 180mm equivalent. F5.6 @ 1/800th @ ISO 100. Programed auto.

Cropped in Lightroom to place the horizon on the lower rule of thirds line. Blackpoint slightly to the right. Added Clarity and Vibrance, and Sharpen landscape preset.

From Colonial Coast 09.


Maine Chic

Maine Chic

A restaurant on the pier at Cape Porpoise Harbor. What can I say? The riot of color and shape, the contrast of the rose plant and the railing full of lobster floats, the red boat…had to be done.

It was a somewhat tricky exposure and required some post processing for good tonal balance, but other than that…I just zoomed in for framing and shot.

DSC H50 at about 66mm equivalent. F4.0 @ 1/320 @ ISO 100. Programed auto, -.3EV exposure compensation.

Cropped slightly in Lightroom, from the right to eliminate some highly reflective and distracting windows. Heavy Recovery for the rose blossoms, Fill Light to open the shadows. Slight contrast increase, added Clarity and Vibrance, and Landscape sharpen preset. There was slight chromatic aberration (color fringing)  showing on the left and right, so I used the CA filter in Lightroom to remove it.

From Around Home, Kennebunk ME.


Pointing Out The Boat

Pointing Out The Boat

The boat and the boater caught my eye. Classic boat. I took more conventional shots, but this seemed like an opportunity too good go pass up. I had to hurry and just about missed it, since the boat was moving up river.

One of the advantages/disadvantages of a P&S with its small sensor size is the exaggerated depth of field. This shot makes good use of it. Taken at only f5.6, it still has enough depth for both the near roots and the far boatl.

Sony DSC H50 at full wide. F5.6 @ 1/640th @ ISO 100. Programed auto.

In Lightroom, Recovery for the sky and clouds, blackpoint to the right, added Vibrance and Clarity, and Landscape sharpen preset. Finally, I used a graduated filter effect pulled down from the top to darken the sky further, and to increase contrast in the trees.

From Around Home, Kennebunk ME

And here is the boat: