Maine! Gimmy shelter

Piping Plover: Kennebunk, Maine, USA, June 2024 — A cloud passed over the sun and mama Plover called all 4 chicks home to shelter. They had been out exploring the beach, one of them half way out to the distant tideline, and dad was having trouble keeping them corralled. This is the last of the 4, and you can count the legs under her for the other 3. This shot was taken from a long way away, well outside the protected area of the beach and she was well inside, at 1600mm equivalent field of view using the 2x digital tele-extender on my OM System OM-1Mkii with the M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom and then cropped some. Program mode with my custom bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! driftwood sculpture

A gift of the beach altering storms of late winter and early spring…this massive tree trunk was deposited high on the beach against the dunes. That was all sand behind it last year. Who knows where this tree grew to this size though its history is undoubtedly written in the twisted roots. OM System OM-1 with M.Zuiko 12-45 f4 Pro zoom at 26mm equivalent. Program mode. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! swing and a miss

Least Tern: York County, Maine, USA, June 2024 — Life is not all wins for the Least Tern. I suspect, like most photographers I know, there are way more misses than keepers. These shots are keepers, though at larger magnifications they are not critically sharp…they capture a moment. Not a moment of success for the Tern, but a significant moment nonetheless. And considering how fast the tern was moving, I am happy to have gotten them at all. 🙂 OM System OM-1Mkii with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 684mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds-in-flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomator and assembled in FrameMagic.

Maine! Chicks!

Piping Plover: York County, Maine, USA, June 2024 — The first of our protected Piping Plover nests have hatched, and the tiny chicks are running around on the beach…never too far from mom or dad, but getting more and more adventurous, and harder for the the adults to contain or protect. The first image is a composite, to show just how small the chicks are. Both adult and chick are in the same shot, just as they are in this image, but of course they are in different focal planes and only the adult is in focus. I lifted the chick out of a shot where it was the subject and therefor in focus and sized it exactly to fit over the out of focus chick…again, just to give you an accurate impression of the size of the chick. If you know plovers you know what the adult is only about 5 inches long, so the chicks are truly tiny 🙂 They are also very curious, and though I was well outside the protected area on the open beach, I stood still just long enough so one had to come over to check me out. It only stopped a few feet from my feet, and by then I did not dare to move until it moved off. So I have a frame-filling close up. I don’t think it was as impressed by me as I was by it. I am not nearly that cute (or at least my shoes aren’t. OM System OM-1 with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom bird modifications. Processed in Photomator (composite assembled in Pixomatic.)

Florida! Grace and color

Tricolored Heron and Roseate Spoonbill: Blackpoint Wildlife Drive, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, Titusville, Florida, January 2024 — I don’t know enough about Tricolored Herons to know if this is typical hunting behavior…it was certainly the first time I had seen it. The Spoonbill does not seem to be overly impressed though, so maybe it happens more than I know. OM System OM-1 with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my birds-in-flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! DoorDash delivery

Least Tern: York County, Maine, USA, June 2024 — I am still learning to capture Least Terns in flight with my OM-1Mkii and the M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom…playing with focus limits to speed up the focus. On this day the Terns were closer than I had figured, and I should have stopped shooting to adjust the inner limit. Hard to do when the terns are in the air all around you and carrying sand eels and you are litterally spinning around trying to get them in frame. This bird was just at my close limit for the day. I have adjusted it before my next outing. 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds-in-flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Biggest Week in American Birding! Warbler close-up

Bay-breasted Warbler: Magee Marsh Boardwalk, Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, Ohio, May 2024 — There is nothing like a good close shot of a warbler…in this case a Bay-breasted…like the ones you sometimes get along the Magee Marsh Boardwalk. This shot was only at 538mm equivalent on the M.Zuiko 800mm equivalent zoom, so I was indeed close, zoomed out a ways to fit the bird in the frame. OM System OM-1Mkii in Program mode with my custom bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Air Traffic Control

Common and Least Tern: York County, Maine, USA, June 2024 — At the mouth of one of our tidal rivers the Least Terns nest in great numbers, and the Common Terns are attracted by the sand eels. It is inevitable that they sometimes occupy the same airspace. OM System OM-1Mkii with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds-in-flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Florida! Tricolored Umbrella

Tricolored Heron: Blackpoint Wildlife Drive, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, Titusville, Florida, USA, January 2024 — I have never seen a Tricolored Heron umbrella fishing…though it is very common behavior among Reddish Egrets who fish the same pools at Merritt Island. Maybe I have just not been looking at the right times. 🙂 OM System OM-1 with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 584mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds-in-flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Bobolink at high noon

Bobolink: York County, Maine, USA, June 2024 — Though the light was as harsh as it gets here in southern Maine, the Bobolinks were out singing from the saplings along the road…and any time they are putting on a show is a good time for a photo. I took this from the seat of my eTrike. 🙂 OM System OM-1Mkii with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.