Intimacy thy name is Chipmunk! Happy Sunday.

Chipmunk. Kennebunk Bridle Trail.

The prediction yesterday was for clouds pretty much all day, and it was indeed a dark and gloomy fall day in Southern Maine, and chilly with it…until it started to rain. They had not predicted the rain. But then, about 3PM, the rain stopped and the clouds broke and the low afternoon sun of an October day in Maine lit up the wet foliage in the back yard, and I grabbed the camera and headed for the Kennebunk Bridle Path. And it was glorious. There were birds…not only the abundant Yellow-rumped Warblers that are passing through on their way south, but a Great Egret relatively close, feeding and striking striking pose after striking pose. Such a treat. And the Chipmunks in the wooded area along the Bridle Path beyond the marsh on the east side of Route 9 were apparently making up for lost time. Like kids finally let out after a rainy inside day, they were everywhere, scampering, filling the woods with their sharp challenge calls. I caught this one fully exposed, in good light, with the interesting colors of fall behind it, out on a limb and determined to drive me away before he abandoned his perch. I took well over 100 exposures, from all angles, of this fellow as I slowly worked my way closer. 🙂 I even took a break to photograph a challenging Grey Squirrel across the Path, high up in a tree, also, as it happened, in a spot of sun…and the chipmunk was still there when I turned back. That is cooperative! I finally walked on and left him to his perch in peace. There were other chipmunks to photograph, warblers, and the whole wet marsh and fall foliage ambiance under an interesting sky in the late afternoon October light. It was glorious!

I felt like a chipmunk, let out after a long day of rain…making up for lost time!

Now I am certain, the Chipmunks and Egrets and Warblers felt the same elation…the undeniable positive energy of the afternoon…I do not think I am reading too much into their behavior…but I suspect they did not feel the thanksgiving that flooded me. Maybe they did? I know I did. It was so good to be alive for such an hour…and so good to be aware of how good it was. What do people do with such thankfulness if they do not believe in God…the creator God who loves, who loved such a glorious afternoon into being? I sometimes think that is our part…our particular notes in the symphony of the day…we are the instrument of praise…our voice proclaims the good…highlights the grace…exalts the giver…gives thanks for all that lives…for all that enjoys the intimate pleasure, the raw exhilaration, of being alive in Southern Maine on an October afternoon after rain.

Can you see that in the Chipmunk’s eye?

Happy Sunday!

Sony HX400V at 2400mm equivalent field of view. Shutter preferred. 1/640th @ ISO 640 @ f6.3. Processed in Lightroom on my Surface Pro 3 tablet.


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