
Lichen among the Moss

Lichen among the Moss

I did go out yesterday in better light and rework the crocus…but I will save one of those for tomorrow. Today we have a shot from later in the day, from a walk around the never fails me trail at Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge. It is only a mile, but I find something interesting to photograph on every visit.

The moss this early spring is the brightest thing in the forest, so vibrantly green and lush that it has to draw the eye. This shot is right down at moss level, with a cluster of lichen breaking though for interest. I left enough background to, hopefully, supply some scale. This is tiny, tiny stuff shot at the closest 2 cm macro of the H50…which is one of the things I really love about this camera (I don’t love everything about it…just enough to keep me carrying it).

Sony DSC H50 at full wide and macro. F5.6 @ 1/125 @ ISO 100. Programed Auto.

In Lightroom I used a graduated filter pulled up from the bottom to pop up the foreground with added clarity and contrast. You could not apply the kinds of levels I used here in standard processing, or to any area without a lot of detail, but as a graduated filter over appropriate areas of the image it gives a pseudo-hdr effect. After applying it I always find I have to increase the brightness of the whole image. That is in addition to my normal Presence adjustments for this camera, plus both Clarity and Vibrance applied globally and the Sharpen portrait preset.

I always feel a need to remind readers that while the above sounds like a lot of processing, Lightroom makes it easy (you can see your effects applied in real time) and fast (all of that took only about 2 minutes, start to finish).

From Rachel Carson Seasons.


  1. Reply
    Gordon April 11, 2009

    As usual, this is a great picture. I’m glad you told us that the distance from lens to subject was only 2 cm. It gives us an idea of how tiny the subject is. I am continually impressed by your fast processing using Lightroom 2. I can get close to the processing you use by processing with ACR, but Lightroom’s graduated filter makes quite a difference. I wish Lightroom were less expensive. In any case, this is another highly enjoyable picture. We appreciate it.

  2. Reply
    Barry A April 11, 2009

    Another good Image I always enjoy your images

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