
Anastasia State Park

Just to prove that St. Augustine is not all about birds for me, here is a shot taken on the amazing white sand beach at Anastasia State Park. Thunder storms were predicted but never came, so the sky is pretty intense. White sand is the norm on the Gulf side of Florida, especially on the Emerald Coast in the panhandle, but it is rare on the Atlantic Coast. That is one of Anastasia Islands, and St. Augustine’s big draws.

Canon SX20IS at 28mm equivalent. F4.5 @ 1/1250th @ ISO 80. Landscape program.

In Lightroom, some Recovery for the clouds and sand. Blackpoint right. Added Clarity and very little Vibrance. Sharpen landscape preset. On a shot like this, with lots of blue light bouncing around, I have to be careful with the Blackpoint or the clouds turn really blue.

From St. Augustine FL 2010.


  1. Reply
    amaczero April 24, 2010

    Like the contrast – skies lime this have always appealed to me.

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