Daily Archives: May 21, 2017

Eastern Towhee

The Eastern Towhee used to be Rufous-sided Towhee, and I still have that name stuck in my head. In fact that is what I typed as a title until some vague memory that they might have chanced the name sent me looking in iBird to make sure I did not get it wrong…and I, of course, had. By whatever name, the Towhee is one of the most cheerful of the woodland birds of Soutern Maine, especially in spring when the males sing their loud, bold “drink-yer-tea-tea-tea-tea-tea” song. This fellow even sat for his portrait. 

Sony Rx10iii at 600mm equivalent field of view. 1/400th @ f4 @ ISO 100. Processed in Polarr on my iPad Pro.