Tennessee Warblers of the Fall
The Tennessee Warbler is one of the archetypal “confusing fall warblers”…easily mistaken for Orange Crowned Warbler, especially first season Orange-crowned. This one showed its white under-tail in other shots, making the id easier, but often it is a real head-scratcher. We watched an cloudy afternoon mixed feeding flock (typical fall behavior) of Downy Woodpeckers, Titmice, Chickadees, and Black-throated Blue, Palm, and Tennessee Warblers from the first of the two observation towers at Bay City Recreation Area on the Tobico Marsh trails. It was lead by the woodpeckers and Titmice, followed by the Black-throated Blues, and the Tennessees were the last to pass the tower.
Nikon P900 at 2000mm equivalent field of view. 1/160th @ ISO 400 @ f6.5. Processed and cropped slightly in Lightroom.