Maine! Hungry
On July 30, 2024 by lightshedder With 0 Comments
- action, birds, Kennebunk, Maine, nature, Sony A6700 with Tamron 50-400Di iii

Barn Swallows: York County, Maine, USA, July 2024 — There was a whole flock of fledgling Barn Swallows along a path through the river-side marsh that I take a few times a week. They seemed determined to all land on this fragile dead rose branch along the way, while the adults flew around them with food. That is an adult bird coming in out of focus in the foreground. It was obviously not a sustainable situation and after a few seconds they all took off in search of a more stable perch. Sony a6700 with Tamron 50-400 Di iii VC VXD zoom at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my bird and wildlife modifications. Animal/Bird subject detection auto focus. Processed in Photomator.