The Biggest Week in American Birding: Chestnut-sided
On May 8, 2024 by lightshedder With 0 Comments
- action, birds, Magee Marsh, nature, Ohio, OM-1Mkii with ED100-400IS, warbler

Chestnut-sided Warbler: Magee Marsh Boardwalk, Oak Harbor, Ohio, May 2024 — It is a nice sunny day on the boardwalk this morning and I am sure the warblers are hopping. Unfortunately I came down with what might be a case of food poisoning last night so I am sticking close to the hotel room. The Chestnut-sided Warbler is one of the friendliest of warblers on the boardwalk, often approaching within feet of birders. This is pretty much a full frame shot at 800mm equivalent. The tricky part is, of course, keeping the bird in frame when it is that close. The only way is just shoot a lot of frames! OM System OM-1Mkii with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.