Maine! Sunday Supplement. As Lee goes by.
On September 17, 2023 by lightshedder With 0 Comments
- Kennebunk, Maine, nature, OM eM5111 and 12-45mm Pro, OM-1 & 100-400mm, seascape, wave
Mid-afternoon yesterday the trailing edge of hurricane Lee passed off-shore from Kennebunk, Maine, and hundreds of local residents and tourists went down to the beach to watch the wave and cloud action…just about the same time I did. We got very little of the storm’s effects. Moderate rain and some gusty wind, but honestly you could have been forgiven for not realizing there was a hurricane out there. I finally found a place to park and spent an hour trying to photograph the frantic shorebirds, but I did pay some attention to the passing storm. 🙂 OM Systems OM-1 and Olympus OMD EM5Miii with the 100-400mm zoom at 800mm and the 12-45 zoom at 24mm equivalents. Program and HDR scene modes.