10/14/2010: jordan pond in fog

I have photographed Jordan Pond and the Bubbles in all weathers. It is the one hike (walk?) we never miss on any trip to Acadia National Park, partially because of its proximity to the Jordan Pond House, and a pop-over lunch (and where we generally have at least one daughter working), but mostly because it never fails to delight. This last trip we had a foggy early fall day to work with, and it was still beautiful.

Canon SX20IS all at 28mm equivalent, f4 @ ISO 80, Landscape program, and 1/200th, 1/400th, and 1/320th respectively.

Similar processing in Lightroom including heavy Recovery to restore transparency to the fog, Blackpoint right slightly, added Clarity and Vibrance, and Sharpen narrow edges preset. The last shot, with the lens of the camera tipped well down, required some distortion correction to bring the water horizon back somewhere near level.


  1. Reply
    Wendy Hollands October 14, 2010

    what a beautiful series the mist makes it look magical!!

  2. Reply
    Rafi October 14, 2010

    2 and 3 are very good, I like the feel of them..

  3. Reply
    Carol October 14, 2010

    Very, very nice…!!!

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