Daily Archives: November 22, 2024

Maine! Chickadees never fail me

Black-capped Chickadee: York County, Maine, USA, November 2024 — If I have the urge to photograph something…and that seems to happen to me fairly frequently :)…I know that if I go sit on my little folding camp stool on the back deck for a few moments the Chickadees, at the very least, will come, even here in the bird doldrums of deep November in Maine. They have no fear. This one sat there on the rail not 6 feet from me in my corner of the deck for maybe 30 seconds. Time enough. Sony a6700 with E70-350G at 525mm equivalent. Program mode with my bird and wildlife modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Yellowstone! Pronghorn on the ridge

Pronghorn: Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park, October 2024 — We came back down off our second loop on the Blacktail Plateau and our amazing Wolf encounter, to find a small herd of Pronghorn feeding in one of those wet low spots between two ridges below the road as you come into the Lamar Valley. The buck had stationed himself on the western ridge above the herd where he would keep his eye on things. Of course we stopped for photos. 🙂 He was a handsome, heathy, well grown buck, and proud with it. Sony a6700 with Tamron 50-400 Di iii at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my bird and wildlife modifications. Processed in Photomator.