Daily Archives: November 15, 2021

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker: It is worth celebrating every time a Red-bellied Woodpecker shows up at the suet, since we do not see them often, but it is especially noteworthy when shows up when I have my camera handy, or stays long enough so that I can go get my camera. This one flew off as soon as I moved in the kitchen…typical behavior…but returned briefly after I had come back with the camera. The yellow cable tie was an unsuccessful attempt to discourage the two squirrels who have figured out how to imitate the woodpeckers and hang off the bottom of the suet cage to nibble between the bars. I shoo them away when I catch them, but, honestly, they can’t get much for all their efforts. The Downy Woodpecker and the Nuthatches get most of the suet. Sony Rx10iv at 600mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds and wildlife modifications. Processed in Polarr and Apple Photos. ISO 400 @ f4 @ 1/500th.