Daily Archives: February 1, 2018

Snowy Egret hover feeding

During our Point and Shoot Nature Photography Advanced Field Technique workshop at Space Coast Birding Festival, I took the group out on Black Point Wildlife Drive to see what opportunities we could find to learn and practice action/flight, macro, HDR landscape and other advanced modes with their cameras. We had finished the workshop (run out of time) by the time we were done at the little rest area half way around the loop, but I said I would still stop for anything special on the way out. We had not been driving 5 minutes when we came upon 75 to 100 mixed waders…Great and Snowy Egrets mostly, but also Glossy and White Ibis, Tricolored and Little Blue Herons, and 2 Roseate Spoonbills…packed into a small break in the mangroves about the size of suburban swimming pool, right next to the road. It was a feeding frenzy…apparently a fresh hatch of the tiny shrimp that all waders love. It is only the third such concentrated mixed feeding group I have seen in my 18 years of Space Coast. During such an event, the Snowy Egrets appear to run across the surface of the water, wings spread and feet barely touching. It is a kind of hover feeding, and I think their feet just barely breaking the surface must draw the shrimp up where they are easy pickings for the Egrets. The egrets move fast, but my new Sony RX10iv can be set to catch such action. This video slideshow gives a fair impression of what it is like to be there when it happens. Sony RX10iv at 24 and 600mm. Processed in Polarr and assembled into a slide show in Adobe Spark.