Daily Archives: June 18, 2017

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on Sheep Laurel, Kennebunk Plains. Maine

It is the season of the tiger again in Southern Maine…the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail that is. I have seen 2 in our yard, and at least one on every outing further afield this past week. This one was along the shore of Day Brook Pond on the Kennebunk Plains Wildlife Management Area in West Kennebunk…and it is the first photographically cooperative Swallowtail I have seen this season. As you see, the Sheep Laurel is just coming into bloom, and the Swallowtail was making a feast of it. What a lovely contrast between the yellow butterfly and the deep pink laurel. 

Sony Rx10iii at 600mm equivalent. Program mode. f4 @ 1/250, and for some reason the camera did not record the ISO or it got lost in import?? Probably ISO 100. Processed in Polarr.