Posts in Category: OM-1Mkii with ED100-400IS

Maine! The dive!

Roseate Tern: York County, Maine, USA, June 2024 — There were three species of Terns actively feeding at the mouth of one of our local rivers on Sunday: Roseate (pictured here), Common, and Least. The sand eels were plentiful. I set out to try to capture the diving terns and terns rising from the water, and the OM System OM-1Mkii and M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom did well, even at 800mm equivalent. Any faults in the photos are user error 🙂 This is Program mode with my custom birds in flight and action modifications. 16.7 frames per second in SH2 mode and 1/2500th and 1/2000th of a second. The hardest part was keeping the bird in frame as it dived and continuing to keep it in frame as it rose. The Roseate Tern tail features are a treat. Processed in Photomator.

Biggest Week in American Birding! caterpillar catcher

Prothonotary Warbler: Magee Marsh Boardwalk, Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, Ohio, May 2024 — A Prothonotary Warbler doing what it does…finding and eating some kind of tiny caterpillar in the undergrowth. OM System OM-1Mkii with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Towhee

Eastern Towhee: York County, Maine, USA, May 2024 — On my way back from the beach and photographing terns and plovers, I walked up under this singing Eastern Towhee on the boardwalk. Literally. It sat and sang from a perch not 12 feet above and slightly out from the boardwalk, right out in the open, not only for me, but for a party of 6 tourists who got there before me. It was not singing its “drink your tea, tea, tea” song…more like its name “towhee, towhee,” but it was singing. After I had walked all around under it, looking for good angles against the background trees and sky, it was still sitting there and singing when I walked on. If you know Towhees at all, you know that that does not happen often. 🙂 OM System OM-1Mkii with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Incoming!

Least Tern: York County, Maine, USA, May 2024 — Being the object of a Least Tern’s attention on an open beach can be intimidating…which is, of course, the whole point of the exercise as far as the Tern is concerned. He does not want you there. In this case I was guilty by association. As I mentioned a few days ago, the Fish and Wildlife folks were busy moving the protected area ropes to include the nest site this Tern had selected outside the existing roped off area. I just happened to be there when it was happening, hoping for some Terns in flight shots. This is a stack of three shots from a sequence at 16 frames per second…not consecutive shots, but three selected to tell the story. The last shot was last with the Tern in frame before he pulled up to pass over my head with at least 6 inches to spare. 🙂 OM System OM-1Mkii with the M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 400mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds in flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomatic and assembled in FrameMagic.

Biggest Week in American Birding! Eye to Eye

Blackburnian Warbler: Magee Marsh Boardwalk, Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, Ohio, USA, May 2024 — The pattern on the top of the Blackburnian’s head is rarely seen, as this warbler is almost always well above eye-level. Here it tipped its head to get a good look at me, or maybe at its own reflection in my lens (or maybe it was not looking at me at all and I just happened to be in line with some insect it was after). OM System OM-1Mkii with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 776mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Least Tern on the beach

Least Tern: York County, Maine, USA, May 2024 — As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, the Least Terns are staking out nesting areas on our local beaches…mostly behind the protected area ropes. This one decided to pick a spot beyond the protected area and the Fish and Wildlife folks were there moving the ropes to include the potential nest site. A Tern on the sand is quite a different bird than a tern in the air. These guys were made to fly. This shot is from quite a distance, at 1600mm equivalent, using the OM-1Mkii’s built in digital tele-converted, the M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom, and cropped at that. You can see the effects of the heat shimmer over the sand in the sun. Program mode with my custom birds in flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Close Encounter?

Least Tern: York County, Maine, USA, May 2024 — Though the Atlantic population of Least Tern is not Federally endangered, the Least Tern is on the Endangered Species list in Maine, and known nesting sites are monitored and protected. If you frequent a beach where Least Terns nest, you will see the signs and roped off areas. Please respect them. On Maine’s well developed coast there is not a lot of habitat left to them. Least Terns are acrobatic flyers and aggressive defenders of their nest sites. If you get too close they will let you know by buzzing you repeatedly until you move on. I happened to be on a beach when the folks from Fish and Wildlife were repositioning the ropes and signs to protect a nest site that terns were trying to establish outside the protected area. The terns were not happy, and, of course, incapable of realizing that the work was for their benefit. I stood well back and tried to photograph the terns in flight…which, if you have ever tried, or even if you have seen Least Terns in flight, you will realize is not easy to do at the best of times. This bird, though it looks close in the cropped version, was still quite a ways from me. OM Systems OM-1Mkii with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds in flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Biggest Week in American Birding! Red-head vs Tree Swallow

Red-headed Woodpecker and Tree Swallow: Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, Ohio, USA, May 2024 — There was at at least one pair of very active Red-headed Woodpeckers, possibly more, between the Boardwalk and the parking area at Magee. I photographed this one having a dispute over the ownership of a nest cavity with a Tree Swallow (a more common occurrence than you might think) in the band of trees between the parking and the lake, one lunch time. OM System OM-1Mkii with M.Zuiko 100-400IS at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Maine! Fight

Willits: York County, Maine, USA, May 2024 — I walked most of a mile in to one of the more distant beaches in York County to see if there were any Piping Plover chicks yet…there were not…but while I was looking, two of the many Willits in the area took sudden exception to each other’s presence and engaged in this tumbling, jumping, wing flapping, beak snapping fight just over the beach grasses. I was not close, but I got the camera into action mode and shot a few bursts to see what I could catch. One of them flew off and sulked on the sands down by the river’s edge, but no apparent harm was done to either bird. OM Systems OM-1Mkii with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom birds in flight and action modifications. Processed in Photomator.

Biggest Week in American Birding! more Chestnuts

Chestnut-sided Warbler: Magee Marsh Boardwalk, Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, Ohio, USA, May 2024 — Chestnut-sided Warblers were among the most abundant warblers at Magee this year. They often are, but the lack of numbers among other species really made it stand out this year. As usual, the Chestnut-sided was also among the most photographically cooperative, feeding at and below eye-level and right next to the boardwalk, though the leaves this year made more challenging. I have lots of photos of Chestnut-sided. OM System OM-1Mkii with M.Zuiko 100-400IS zoom at 800mm equivalent. Program mode with my custom bird modifications. Processed in Photomator.