Posts in Category: swamp

Juvenile Boat-billed Heron

Juvenile Boat-billed Heron, Cuero y Salado WR, Honduras

Juvenile Boat-billed Heron, Cuero y Salado WR, Honduras

One of the problems with Point and Shoot photography, or, for that matter, photography of any kind, in the tropics is the density of the foliage. It makes focus difficult and the low light levels push any camera to the limits of what can be done without flash. So this is not a great shot of a Boat-billed Heron…an immature bird we found deep in the mangroves overhanging the waters in Cuero y Salado Wildlife Refuge in Honduras…but it is pretty good considering that it was taken hand-held from a boat in such dim light. 🙂

Sony HX400V at 1200mm equivalent field of view. I had to dial the shutter speed all the way down to 1/160th to get a reasonable exposure of ISO 2500 at f6.3. Processed in Lightroom on my Surface Pro 3 tablet.



Big Cypress National Preserve

Cypress Hummock, Big Cypress NP, FL

Cypress Hummock, Big Cypress NP, FL

Yesterday we were treated to a walk (wade) in Big Cypress National Preserve. We went with Everglades Nature Tours, the only company licensed for off the trail walking in the Big Cypress. As I hinted, it was actually more of a wade than a walk as we were in water most of the time. But we got to see the inside of 3 Cypress Heads, or hummocks, and that is something most never do. We found orchids, not blooming this time of year, but full of promise for the spring, and we got up-close and in among the biggest cypress in the neighborhood…those that grow in the ponds at the center of the hummocks where it is always wet. This collage shows a vertical panorama and a horizontal view. It is both strange and wonderful country.

Sony HX400V. Vertical sweep panorama and in-camera HDR. Processed in Lightroom on my Surface Pro 3 tablet. Assembled in Phototastic Pro.