Kitchen still-life with garlic. Happy Sunday!


“If your eye is generous, your whole being is full of light! ” Jesus

When I went into the kitchen yesterday morning, I found a stalk of garlic on the counter where Carol had left it. I have seen cloves of garlic, of course, but I have never seen it in the stalk. I found the shape and color interesting enough to go get my camera,  and then to grab a bunch of vine grown tomatoes that were in a basket near by and a wooden spoon from the jug of utensils at the he back of the counter to create a little still-life. Eventually I remembered that the Sony HX90V I was using has an interesting effect mode called “illustration”, and I went back to the kitchen to try that. It was before sun-up, so I was working with only the mixed incandescent and florescent light form ceiling fixtures and had to choose my angles and zoom settings to avoid shadows. I downloaded the image, including the “illustration” effect,  to my tablet and processed it in Snapseed as an HDR, then added some vignetting and a rough frame to give it this artsy final look.

If you follow my posts here you know this is not my usual style. I do the occasional “found still-life” from nature, but setting up one like this is a bit outside my comfort zone. It is a different way of using the generous eye. It is seeing that these three things, each perfect on its own, can be put in a frame to create a forth perfection. In my day to day work, I trust God to do the arranging, and I delight in finding and celebrating the perfections God arranges. This time I was the agent of arrangement, but I have to know that it was still God who created the perfection. That is, of course, if the image works for you at all. 🙂

Happy Sunday.

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