Blue Bird in Red Berries

Eastern Bluebird, Roger’s Pond, Kennebunk Maine

After several days of spitting snow clouds and cold rain, we had a cold, sunny day yesterday. I suited up and went out in the morning, to Roger’s Pond, to see if I could catch an Eagle. No such thing. However, as I walked around the pond looking for consolation prizes, I spotted some small birds flitting through the trees up by the picnic shelter. Blue birds. Actually Blue Birds! As it turned out, a small flock of Eastern Blue Birds were working their way through the park and up-stream. I eventually tracked them to this bush, at the very edge of the park, where this specimen sat for his portrait. The blue is never bluer than when contrasted with red. Not my closest shot…I cropped it a bit for scale, but certainly one of my most attractive. I like the pose too. 🙂

Nikon P900 at 2000mm equivalent field of view. 1/500th @ ISO 110 @ f6.5. Processed and cropped slightly in Lightroom.

Did I say “consolation prize”? This shot, even if I had found and Eagle, would still have taken the blue ribbon for the day! 🙂

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