Funny story (about a spider). Happy Sunday!

Garden Spider, Kennebunk Plains Wildlife Management Area, Kennbunk ME

Funny story! The other day I was out at Day Brook Pond on the Kennebunk Wildlife Management Area, taking pics and enjoying the day. When I got back to the parking, a gentleman who I often see exercising his dog there was coming back to his car, and we discussed our recent wildlife sightings at the pond for a few moments. He drove off, and I got in the car and headed out on the dirt track toward the main road. The windows were wide open and I was enjoying our first day with a hint of fall in the air. I felt something on my bare leg, and glanced down, still driving, and saw a huge yellow and black spider climbing rapidly up my leg. It was big, with a body the size of a quarter and a leg-span 4 times that. My mind went: “WooO!!! Spider!! Big spider! Bright yellow and black! Garden Spider. Harmless.” in the fraction of a second it took me to scoop it into my palm and attempt to toss it out the window. I will admit there was a micro-second of caught breath panic at the “WooO” but “Harmless” pretty much coincided with its reaching the open window. The car was still moving forward of course, and the wind was blowing in the open window and through the car, so I immediately suspected that the spider had not really gotten out the window. I stopped and looked out, but the dirt track was empty. Yes, well, even though I knew it was harmless, I did not want to drive out on to the highway with it in the car. A startle at 50 mph is different than a startle at 10, and I knew I would be distracted just thinking about that spider somewhere in the car. Besides, by this time I wanted a picture of it. I remembered it, from my glimpse, as being particularly bright even of its kind. I opened both front and back doors, and began a search of the interior. It was there, under the front seat, attempting, without much success, to climb the smooth plastic of the center console. I snapped a couple of pics before thinking about how to get it out. I was able, eventually, to use a folded dollar bill from the toll stash to maneuver the spider onto a red plastic ice scraper I found under seat. It did not stay on the scraper of course, but it hung from a tread of web silk long enough for me to transfer it to a birch sapling by the side of track. I even thought ahead and crossed to the far side of the track to hang it in better light for photography 🙂 Of course, it immediately sought the shade of the back side of the leaves. I figured for sure it would be well hidden by the time I got my camera from the car, but it was still there, perhaps still recovering from its trauma, when I got back. It took some doing, and an angled LCD to get an angle in behind the leaves, but I did manage a few good shots of the spider. It was indeed, one of the brightest, and one of the biggest, Garden Spiders I have ever seen.

The Garden Spider (Argiope aurantia) should really have a more exotic name. It is certainly exotic looking. Big. Bright. Boldly patterned. With orange legs! If it were not so common, and if it did not live, generally, right in our gardens and yards, it probably would have a more fitting name. It certainly would if it were not pretty much harmless to humans. It will, under extreme provocation, bite, and it does use toxins to kill its prey, but we do not react to its poison. It is a good thing to remember when you find one climbing your leg while you are driving the car. 🙂 I can not really figure out how it got in the car. The windows were closed while the car was parked, and I certainly did not feel it on me while talking the gentleman with the dog. He certainly did not comment on it. Seems like he would have said something if he had seen it crawling on me. I might have brushed it off a bush with my camera bag, or it could have been hanging off my hat. I am not sure. Despite my micro-second of panic when I first saw it, I am delighted to have had the encounter…it makes a good story…and blessed to have had the opportunity to photograph this beautiful spider. I am especially happy that no harm came to the spider through the adventure.

I know, there are some of you who do not like spiders, and I respect and understand your fear. I am sure just looking at the pic gives you shivers, and reading the story, if you got this far, probably sets your heart racing. Not your fault. While I will admit to having a healthy respect for spiders, and an awareness of the harm some of them might do, I don’t have the impulse to smash them, and I can appreciate their beauty. Especially a magnificent specimen like this one. On the other hand, I am certainly not going to provoke it into biting me. 🙂

“If your eye is generous, then your whole being is filled with light.” Jesus said it, and it is the key. Open eyes, and a spirit that sees the light in all that lives, in very shape of the landscape, in everything that the light touches. The light within shines out of open eyes to illuminate a beautiful world, full of meaning, full of grace…worthy of love. Just as the creator loves it into being. Seeing it so, generously, makes it so. Even one spider at a time. And I thank you, Jesus, for relighting the light in me! Happy Sunday!




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