Monthly Archives: August 2018

Three Pennants

Calico Pennant, male and female, Martha’s Pennant, Halloween Pennant

I went out to Day Brook Pond on the Kennebunk Plains Wildlife Management Area in West Kennebunk, Maine the other day, looking mostly for dragonflies and damselflies. Best day yet this summer. Lots of Slaty Skimmers and a few Spangled Skimmers, a Widow Skimmer, Blue Dashers and Eastern Pondhawks, and 3 different Pennants. Both male and female Calico Pennant, my first females of the season, the males by the pond and the female well out in the dryer area of the plains, a lone Martha’s Pennant out over the pond, and a female Halloween Pennant hunting with the female Calico. In the panel they are Calico Male, Calico Female, Martha’s, and Halloween. Sony RX10iv at 600mm. Program mode. Processed in Polarr and assembled in FrameMagic.