Daily Archives: January 17, 2018

Ice bells on willow wands…

Ice bells, Mousam River at Roger’s Pond Park, Kennebunk Maine

Conditions have to be just right for ice bells to form. The water has to rise and fall with heavy rains or tidal effect. There has to be enough wind and current to keep the willow wands or branches constantly moving, and it has to be well below freezing. The rapids on the Mousam River at Roger’s Pond Park in Kennebunk Maine were completely frozen over for several days during our cold snap in early January and have only broken loose due two days of rain last week. The return of sub-zero nights and days in the teens this week made for ideal ice bell weather, and indeed there were some nice ones there when I visited on Sunday. Sony RX10iv at 600mm. Program mode. 1/500th @ f4 @ ISO 100. Processed in Polarr and Apple Photos.