Daily Archives: September 22, 2017

Kingfisher hovering…

Belted Kingfisher, the beach, Kennebunk Maine

I took a run down to the beach yesterday to see what kinds of waves Jose was kicking up in Maine. The tide had gone out from full so the waves were not all that impressive, but there was a Belted Kingfisher hunting the pools were the marsh had flooded relatively close to the road. It kept alternating between a bush on my side, more or less, of the pond and a post on the other, and it spent long enough hovering in front of me so that I could get some shots. The collage is made in FrameMagic’s blended mode. 
Sony Rx10iii at 600mm equivalent. 1/1000th second (set in Minimum Shutter Speed ISO). f4. Processed in Polarr and FrameMagic.