Monthly Archives: April 2018

Maple buds…

Maple flower buds, Kennebunk Maine

The nor-easters of March brought down lots of branches, some quite big, in our yard, and all over town. You see them in lying everywhere. The tree-companies are coming through with chainsaws and chippers and making a fortune cleaning up. Of course, the big maple limb that fell in our back yard did bring some maple flower buds down to eye-level where I could get this shot. I always look for the maple flowers in the Maine spring. The buds have been on the trees since a warm snap in late January, but they can wait patiently for the true warm days of early spring to open. They will open before the leaves even begin to bud. Sony RX10iv at 600mm. Program mode. 1/500th @ f4 @ ISO 100. Processed in Polarr.

Easter Morning

Back Creek and the Mousam River in Kennebunk Maine

I was going to get up and get out to photograph the sunrise this Easter morning for today’s post…but when I woke the weather was not as predicted and, had I gone down to the beach, this is what I would have seen. I knew I had this photo from a few mornings ago, so I did not go out. They are still predicting a break in the clouds later today and some sunshine. We shall see. This is the junction of Back Creek and the Mousam River at high tide with a bit of sea-fog still over the river. Sony RX10iv in-camera HDR at 24mm. Processed in Polarr and Apple Photo’s Light tool. And a Happy Easter to you and yours!