Monthly Archives: July 2017

Meadow on the last day of June

Milkweed, Wild Rose, Owl Clover, Vetch, Yarrow, Monarch: Laudholm Farms

I went to Laudholm Farms yesterday in search of bog orchids (and found them) but before I got to the bog I was totally distracted by the meadow at the foot of the hill. Laudholm lets it grow up each year to wildflowers and milkweed…milkweed in particular, to feed the Monarchs. This year it is also full of Wild Rose. 

There is a Day Poem that goes with it:

Pale pink Milkweed and 
deep pink Wild Rose, 
over a carpet of yellow 
Owl Clover among the tall 
grasses, touched with 
purple Vetch, and crowned 
with heads of white Yarrow…
makes a heady meadow, 
tickling some thing high up 
in the nose, tempting Monarchs
in, as it warms in the early 
sun of the last day of June. 

As you can see, the Monarch is well worn…very likely a survivor of the round trip to Mexico and back at least once already. 

Sony Rx10iii at various focal lengths. Program mode. Processed in Polarr and assembled in FrameMagic.