Mangrove Warbler

Mangrove (Yellow) Warbler, the Galapagos, Ecuador

I expect to see hundreds of Yellow Warblers in the next 9 days at Magee Marsh on the Erie Shore in Ohio…they are by far the most common warblers here in the spring…maybe all summer too. These “Yellow” warblers are from the Galapagos, seen on our Wildside Nature Tours Galapagos Adventure last month. In far south Florida they have a Yellow Warbler with a reddish cap and different vocalizaions that is considered a sub-species (so far), called the Mangrove Warbler. Just recently the IOU decided that the Yellow Warblers on the Galapagos are “Mangrove Warblers”…they share the same cap and songs…and designated them a separate species. (Can the Yellows in South Florida be far behind? Only the AOU knows.) So these are Mangrove Warblers. Some males have a much more distinct cap. You have three shots of the same male, and one shot of a female or young male to fill out the panel. 

Sony RX10III at 600mm equivalent. Program Mode. The shots in the deep shade of the brush were at ISO 500, f4, and 1/250th.  Processed in Polarr on my iPad Pro. 

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